== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS Geographic coordinates: 10.959S, 165.989E Magnitude: 5.8 Depth: 73 km Universal Time (UTC): 6 Sep 2016 04:13:35 Time near the Epicenter: 6 Sep 2016 15:13:35 Local standard time in your area: 6 Sep 2016 04:13:35 Location with respect to nearby cities: 31 km (19 mi) SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands 521 km (323 mi) NNW of Luganville, Vanuatu 682 km (422 mi) ESE of Honiara, Solomon Islands 790 km (489 mi) NNW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 1110 km (688 mi) N of We, New Caledonia
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