Catholics Must Resist Francis’ Support of Pro-Abortion United Nations
Catholics Must Resist Francis’ Support of Pro-Abortion United Nations
Francis partnership with those
who promote mortal sin is obvious to anyone who has their eyes opened.
The one world religion will not have sin except really believing in what
Jesus really teaches us through His Church.
February 28, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) —
Catholics must “resist” the Vatican’s increasing alliance with the
United Nations under Pope Francis’ watch, insists a global coalition of
pro-life and pro-family organizations in a new analysis. This alliance,
they warn, is giving credence to the pro-abortion global population
control agenda and is a direct threat to the family.This new alliance, unthinkable under the pontificates of Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, has led to what Voice of the Family (VotF) is calling an “immediate and serious threat posed to children and the family.”
The coalition of major pro-life and pro-family organizations from around the world has released a 16-page critique that charts what the groups suggest is the Vatican’s departure from its crucial role as bastion against an aggressive global culture-of-death. Specifically, the report details the Holy See’s support for the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report is authored by Matthew McCusker, a researcher with the UK-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
The report explains how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — seven goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030 — codify what amounts to a global pro-contraception as well as pro-abortion population control plan.
As a case in point, the VotF document was released six days before anti-Catholic population-control advocate Paul Ehrlich was scheduled to speak at a Vatican conference on “biological extinction” that began on Monday.
The report also criticizes the Vatican’s foray into the anti-family realm of “sex-education.”
Just as the UN’s SDGs call for a global “comprehensive sex education,” Pope Francis’ April 2016 exhortation Amoris Laetitia leans in the direction of sanctioning classroom sex education by omitting any mention of parents’ obligations in this regard, according to the VotF.
VotF highlighted how last year the Vatican produced a post-Amoris Laetitia sex-ed curriculum for high school students that “violate[s] Catholic teaching on sexuality education.” One Catholic psychiatrist went as far as denouncing the program as “pornographic” and “child abuse.”
And the VotF suggest that the pope’s apparent endorsement of classroom sex education in Amoris Laetitia will allow the World Health Organization, a UN agency, to implement its radical “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” across the world.
According to the WHO standards, by age four, children should be taught the “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body’, “early childhood masturbation,” and ‘the right to explore gender identities.”
From four to six, children should learn about same-sex relationships and “respect for different norms regarding sexuality.” From ages nine to 12, they should learn about the “differences between gender identity and biological sex,” and “sexual rights” as “defined by International Planned Parenthood Federation.”
And at age 15, they will be taught about “acceptance and celebration of sexual differences,” “violation of sexual rights,” and the “right to abortion.”
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