martedì 16 agosto 2016

Thanks for Heresy: “Antipope Bergoglio’s October 31 Lutheran Abomination ‘Communal Liturgy’ in Lund”

Definitely read this text and commentary on the Lutheran commemoration.  The prayers give thanks for heresy. “Thanks be to you O God for the many guiding theological and spiritual insights that we have all received through the Reformation
On October 31st of this year, less than three months from now, Antipope Bergoglio will travel to Lund, Sweden to celebrate in a “Communal Liturgy” the Lutheran revolt, and to fete the person of Luther himself. A Swedish Catholic, of which there are less than six thousand in total, by the name of Clemens Cavallin, has collected and translated the texts from this event from the Swedish Lutheran church.  He has written an excellent and insightful synopsis and commentary, including a fascinating history of Lutheranism in Sweden and its destruction of the Swedish culture.  Here are a few excerpts, but do click over and READ THE WHOLE THING, and distribute far and wide.
The text paints a picture of Luther as a religious hero who found the way to a more true form of Catholicism, “The breakthrough for Catholic scholarship came with the thesis that Luther overcame within himself a Catholicism that was not fully Catholic.”
In both the Lutheran and Catholic “reading” part of the thanksgiving section, it is Luther and
his works toward which thanksgiving is expressed. First the Lutheran, Lutherans are thankful
in their hearts for what Luther and the other reformers made accessible to them” and the
Catholic reading is concluded with, “The ecumenical journey enables Lutherans and Catholics
to appreciate together Martin Luther’s insight into and spiritual experience of the gospel of
the righteousness of God, which is also God’s mercy.”
One of the two “presiders,” then concludes this section with the following prayer of gratitude for the reformation.
Thanks be to you O God for the many guiding theological and spiritual insights that we have all received through the Reformation. Thanks be to you for the good transformations and reforms that were set in motion by the Reformation or by struggling with its challenges. Thanks be to you for the proclamation of the gospel that occurred during the Reformation and that since then has strengthened countless people to live lives of faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.”
This narrative comes to a critical point under the heading “Catholic Concerns regarding the Eucharist.” As regards the notion transubstantiation the text says, This concept seemed, in the Catholic view, to be the best guarantee for maintaining the real presence of Jesus Christ in the species of bread and wine and for assuring that the full reality of Jesus Christ is present in each of the species.” To use the verb “seem” clearly indicates that this has not objective value for Catholics and that other notions could be used for the same purpose and perhaps even with better effect.

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